Tuesday, 30 September 2014

I Bought Myself a Best Friend

I could explode with happiness and excitement. I’ve picked out my Bestest Best Friend and I get to pick her up on Tuesday! She’s a baby boxer, just the cutest little gal you’ve ever seen. I’m a little biased but I will post photo’s of her and I’m 99% sure you won’t be disagreeing.
I’ve always grown up with dogs, boxers to be exact! I love the breed, honestly couldn’t imagine a life without them and now I don’t have to. We currently have Puma, she turns 8 years old in a few weeks. She’s a complete gem and I love her to death. That being said she is clearly my Mamas dog. Rightly so because as a puppy my Mama did all the work with her and I just played with her! This new puppy will be mine to work with, which excites me. It give me a dog to work with in agility, a dog to call my own, take me out for walks and climb into bed with me for nights of Netflix. I’m ready for the long nights of kennel training, the early mornings to feed and walk and the amount of PICTURES I get to take. Seriously this is every photographers dream. Haha. If people thought I took a lot of pictures of Puma, they should be concerned for my new puppies future in front of the camera. ;)
Anyways, I’m off to go visit her out at the farm…

Meet Jinx.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Crushing Goals;

This summer has been the best one yet, not because I went on the most trips, got the best tan or had some kind of great story to tell everyone. Mainly it’s been the best summer because I accomplished and crushed so many goals I had set for myself. At work we have goals up on the wall, 1 year, 5 year and 10 year goals. I’ve had to rewrite them twice since May. Rewriting goals because your life changes is mediocre, rewriting goals because you crushed and accomplished them prior to a set deadline is fun and rewarding!
I’ve photographed my first wedding; I’ve built a portfolio that is better than I imagined it would be two years post College. I’m super excited for next summer and next wedding season. This fall and winter will be full of advertising of myself and ensuring my next summer is full of weddings and families.
This fall I’m hoping to get some photo shoots in, a few more couple based shoots than my regular family. I may have to do some free shoots for couples and have them dress a certain way etc so that I can add those to my portfolio.
Needless to say I am excited for my business and the way it is going. They say it takes 5 years to create a successful business. This January will be 1 year since I really started charging, and 2 years since College. I feel like I am right on track to be more than successful in another 3 years time.
I’ll share some images below, but you guys can also check out my website to see more pictures etc!

Look forward to meeting some of you in a month at the Narcolepsy Network Conference!! Hooray!