Things were going great, I think a little too great. These past few weeks I have spent them with friends, family and working out. I haven’t been exhausted for sleep, but when needed I have found the time for my naps. Lets just say I had a lot of fun with all my friends over the past two weeks and was looking forward to my last 2 weeks with a trip to my friends cabin and a trip to a rodeo out of town. Things are now looking down for my next two trips; in fact I have already cancelled one.
This past Saturday was my families annual keg party; the party all our neighbors and friends look forward to. My mother makes the best appetizers, and the greatest pork pull and my father buys a keg and some other assortments of liquor. We invite all of our neighbors, all of our friends and well most of our family. The party lasts from around 3 in the afternoon till the last person leaves. It’s great, I get to see everyone who has been around since I was little and I get to invite my friends over to have a few drinks. This year was great; it allowed me to see a few of my friends for the last time before we all go our separate ways. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I believe my friends did as well.
Sunday was a day to clean up, and attend my soccer game. All went just swell, my team dominated and managed to win our game. I was now packing up for my much-anticipated trip to Edmonton with my best friend. We had been planning it for ages, we would go shopping the one-day, stay the night and hit the famous water park the next day. This water park has been on my mind for ages, I never went as a young child. All the soccer tournaments I attended (whether it was mine or my brothers) I always ended up with something silly that prohibited me from joining in on the water park adventures. Needless to say I was feeling as though that I had missed out on my childhood and going to this water park would be the best thing in the world.
I am pretty sure I was not meant to go to this water park, or maybe it just seems this way. When I was younger, cast’s prevented me, and the cold or flu I was enduring made my mother choose “what’s best for me”.
Now on my way to the water park after checking out of the hotel, no cast and or illness prevented me from having fun at the water park. Well nothing but a huge stupid incident that has prohibited me from going to the water park once AGAIN!
I was driving my mothers nice Honda fit, she had let me use it for the trip simply because it was better on gas and a more trustworthy car than the one I currently declare as my own car.
Basically this is what happened, I ran a yellow light, I could have stopped; may have hurt the brakes a little bit but I could have stopped. I chose to proceed through the amber light. Now the way the intersection is set up, the lights are in unison, so when this light that I “ran” turned yellow, the light just ahead turned yellow. I of course shifted down gears and was beginning my stop because the light ahead was about to turn red. As I was coming to a stop I noticed a truck who also ran the same amber light I had just ran, I also noticed he was going to hit me at quite a hefty speed. This truck was not your average truck, it wasn’t quite a semi, but it was a large industrial sized truck. With half a second to spare, I went to shift into first in hopes of moving. He was coming way to fast and he was failing to stop, he instead used my vehicle to stop. My car was crunched up, windows were shattered and my vehicle was pushed straight into the intersection. I checked to make sure my friend was all-okay, restarted my car and moved my car out of the intersection and into the nearest parking lot. My car was totaled and with the adrenaline rushing I was doing what it is I was taught. You exchange information, license and registration. The other driver was creepy to say the least, and not cooperative. He couldn’t find any of his documents and he wasn’t saying much, just smoking his cigarette. I had my friend dial 911 and get a cop on scene because I was not dealing with the man who rear ended us especially when he was being as weird as he was. With an hour wait for the cop to show up adrenaline slowly left and pain slowly kicked in.
Thankfully my vehicles seatbelts locked and the car took the impact rather well for the amount of impact it was given. I had talked with my parents over the phone, and my friend had talked to hers. In fact my friends mother was way too nice and drove up to get us to take us home, seeing as my vehicle was no longer drive-able. We had decided to tow the poor car all the way home, and the cop generously offered to phone AMA for me because she would be able to get them here faster than if I was to phone. To be honest this cop that we got was seriously the best. She made the best out of this bad situation; she dealt with the creepy guy and wrote him a ticket. Our parents had asked we go to the hospital to get checked out to in sure no breaks or damages since we were feeling pretty damn sore. The cop offered to drive us there and she even helped us get everything out of my car.
This was the awful end to what was suppose to be our awesome day at the water park. We thankfully were cleared at the hospital. My friend has some good whiplash and pain in her shoulder and I myself have whiplash, a seatbelt bruise and pains in my back in which I am going to physiotherapy today for. I also managed to bruise my hand, when I went to go shift gears we got hit so my hand took impact into the shifter. Ha, the smallest of all my injuries but really is annoying! Anyways, I am happy my friend and me are alive and well, nothing too serious. A car can be fixed and replaced and that is the least of my worries right now!
For now I will be sleeping, eating, taking painkillers and watching movies. I will keep you updated!
Maybe when I am home from school I can go to this water park with no problems, but as for now I need to heal up quick before I am off to college! Two weeks and counting!
the damages |