Saturday, 2 July 2011

class of 2011;

A day in which I looked forward too was a day in which my narcolepsy and I feared. Graduating High School. I was no longer stressed about actually graduating, because I managed to meet all the requirements to get my diploma! I was now shifting my worry and fear towards the actual walking of the stage and the mass we had to attend in the morning. I honestly can say I have not attended one Mass during the entire time I attended a Catholic High School. If you don’t know what “Mass” is, search up catholic religion or whatever. Basically it is a ceremony and it is extremely long.
I am not Catholic; I attended this catholic high school because of the structure of learning it had to offer. I could attend school, have time for naps and teach myself the courses with help and guidance of teachers. It was ideal for the narcolepsy and ideal for not having the embarrassment of falling asleep in class; there are no ‘classes’!
Anyways the day of my graduation the day’s events went a little like this.
09:00am-11:00am    Graduation Mass
01:00pm-04:00pm    Convocation
It was a little demanding, especially with the time in between the two events being given away to having lunch with my best friends and their family members.
I am delighted to say that it went better than expected! The mass was the most difficult; there was nothing but a few songs to help keep me awake. I nodded off a few times, has the famous head bob going on. Luckily after a few bob’s I managed to notice one of my fellow graduates goofing off and imitating people, as in the pastor/priest or whatever name he goes by. Anyways I found it entertaining, although not nice, it kept me more alert and I was able to get through the dreaded two hours and onto the next stage of the day!
Lunch went good, I had my friend’s entertainment and their parents asking me about my life and I was able to engage in conversation. I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch a quick nap before convocation so I ran across the street to grab an energy drink. I try desperately not to use caffeine to get through things, just because of the crash afterwards and cause it really isn’t healthy. This however was my grad day; I had to make an exception.
I ended up drinking most of the Monster Energy drink, and I managed to make it through convocation without sleeping! The speeches were well put together, a good mix of humor and inspiration that I enjoyed listening too. The listing off of the names and the walking of the stage was a dreadful process. My eyes were extremely tired, luckily the person I was sitting by brought her phone. She had some interesting text messages for me to creep about/read. Haha, that sounds awful. Next thing you know it was my turn to walk the stage.
They managed to get my name right, thank you to my teachers! I walked across, got a good amount of applause, then my father decided to yell out.
Got to love the papa, he always knows how to embarrass me! He could have said worse though, at least no little nicknames came out! Right?
Graduation was a success. I got my diploma in the regular time, I passed all of my courses and I managed to meet some of the greatest people ever. I am happy to move on to the next chapter of my life. College!
I will be moving to the states to play soccer and attend college to take Photography! I am excited, nervous, worried, and happy to go on the experience all by myself. I clearly have a lot of learning to do, but am looking forward to being more responsible and taking on new challenges! Preseason for soccer will be a nut case, two practices a day. Practices will be mostly running, running tuckers me out making napping a higher priority. I have faith that everything will work out and it will be a huge learning curve for me in the best possible way. Hopefully I won’t have to cheat too much with the energy drinks and caffeine; but I am willing to take a few in order to keep up to everyone else. I will be updating this blog as much as possible to tell everyone how I handle a full load of courses and a full load of soccer/travelling!
Wish me luck!


  1. Congratulations on Graduating! It really is a huge accomplishment coming from our position! College is very demanding. Be sure and pace yourself and remember to take care of your needs first. There will be alot of pressure to go out at night and party and such. Those memories end up being sooo foggy anyway! Might as well skip it and get a good nights sleep! I am looking forward to more of your post! Good luck!
