Monday, 19 May 2014

Battle bruises and people

I'm alive! Napping like a champion and generally kicking ass at life. I'm feeling invisible but my bruises say otherwise.

My trip into Costa Rica was awesome, after meeting the one couple I later then met an old man. Great guy, great story and such a cheerful person. We got talking, he's lived in Costa Rica for 2.5 years, going to move to Belize and was headed back to Costa Rica to collect his things. He had never been married but he has a dog ginger bear and she passed away so he got up and left the next time, sold everything and decided Belize was the new destination. He was 80 some odd years, healthy and extremely happy. He's been to 130+ countries, owned modelling agencies signed by the playboy mansion and Hugh Hefner was a personal friend. He's dated hooters girls; as in the 2002 hooters girl of the year. Flew for an airline for 30 years and was in the army. He had stories like no other and his passion in telling them was phenomenal. He offered me his first class ticket for the flight to Liberia which I kindly rejected. I told him I couldn't take something he's earned and he said he would send back a drink to my
section. When I landed he made sure to find me and give me a hug and make sure I had a ride because it was late and he worries about the young in this country. It's old people like this that I absolutely love. They make my travels amazing and they honestly have the best stories. I love hearing how happy old people are and when they tell stories about "that one time" and their face lights up and they stop to chuckle to themselves before finishing the sentence. It's these stories and these people that make me want to live the life I have to the fullest. I want those stories and I want those moments. Bob was a great guy, and I'm so happy he coincidentally asked me for the time so I could ask him about his life.
I love hearing stories and it's the main reason I love travelling.

There are many reasons why me and people who speak English as a second language aren't best friends. The main reason being I am a sarcastic asshole and that's not often translated in people who speak little English or English as a second language. It's hilarious when they take things so literal and try and you try and explain that no no it's not like that. But it's also awkward as all hell.
This trip there's a bunch of French girls and I think I'll have to learn to shut up or forever be an asshole on their mind. I'm sure they have another word for me, I'm certain I won't understand it. Haha.
Either way, Costa Rica is amazing. It's gorgeous, it's hot and it's waves are crazy. Tamarindo has murdered me. I've got bruises beyond belief and it's been one full day here.
Some idiots, didn't hold onto their surf boards in the water and well my shin got stabbed so good it's a green welt. I also took some ones board to my right ass cheek and have a blue bruise/welt forming. It's like walking with a Charlie horse. Needless to say I've learned to avoid said idiots when it comes to surfing.

New city tomorrow. Night pretty people.

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