Saturday, 1 October 2011

Still Alive, Still Awake.

Sorry for the time I’ve left in between this post and the last. I’ve been busy; busy enough not to completely loose my mind, but too busy to even process what’s on my mind. I think it’s time for a break from life. Just two days would be enough. On those two days I would like nothing but a pillow, blanket, couch and unlimited supply of food that will not go straight to my hips/ass/thighs. Oh shoot…is that too much to ask?
I had two awful days since we last talked. I had one night I was up doing homework late, practice the next morning at 6am, and then class from 8am-2pm. I had gotten 5 hours sleep, and had practice and had two classes worth 2 and half hours. The day was hell; I barely made it through to say the least. I fell asleep in the one class. I will pray that I won’t be doing that again anytime soon; let’s be honest though I am in college now this is apparently semi normal? Next awful day was when I got little sleep, missed my alarm and woke up just in time to run to class. I forgot to take my meds, preceded to try and get through the two and half hour class, with scribbling and doodling to keep my awake. My teacher asked after if I really thought he was that boring. How exactly was I suppose to answer that? I probably didn’t answer it the right way but I told him I used doodling to help me stay awake. I failed to mention I forgot my drugs, that’s how zonked out I was. I ran home and took my drugs and had some caffeine in my tea…just enough to get me through my second-class and afternoon practice!
So far I have kept my grades up, have an A in two classes and a B in the other two. I have never use the letter grade system, so to me a B sounds just awful. A B however is around 85-89%. I can’t complain when I think about the percentage. I am proud of these grades so far and look forward to keeping them up! Study sessions and long nights in the photo lab/darkroom will be the only answer to these hopes!
Currently I am in Chicago, Illinois, of course for soccer. We have three games over the course of three days, so far we have won two and tomorrow will be our last game before heading home to Minnesota. I’ve had two great games if I do say so myself; gotten 4 assists and 1 goal. My leg is obviously healed and obviously in great working condition now! Lets keep it this way! 
My parents came down to visit me and were quite wonderful company! I had missed my parents, I wasn’t quite homesick but I will admit I missed a home cooked meal and the little things my Mama would do for me. Moving out hasn’t been a rude awakening, people always said you’d learn to do things that you never thought you had to do. Well I have to say my parents raised me in the best way possible. They taught me to take care of myself; I learned a lot of the hard lessons while I was living at home because my parents forced me to do so much for myself. Yes I might have been spoiled here and there, but I was well aware of what my parents were doing for me and I knew one day I’d be cut off. Living on my own has allowed me the independence I wanted with a good learning curve to keep me grounded. I appreciate my parents far more now that I have moved out. For all the times I fought with them or told them I hated them or yelled at them for giving me a curfew, thank you.
Hopefully my life stays steady, I’ve been pretty tired but this trip to Chicago has allowed me some extra sleep time. The bus ride from 5-6 hours, we went to bed early to get 10 hours sleep. The girl I shared a bed with was a dream to sleep with. She can sleep with me any night, she didn’t move or steal sheets. I wake up a lot in the night because of insomnia, but I only woke up three times. It was amazing! Haha.
Happy days are ahead and fun times are around the corner. I need sleep though, my game is at noon tomorrow and I have had an adventurous day with no room for naps.

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