Friday, 9 September 2011

Happy Belated Birthday to me;

Another year older and this one is different; I am now 18 and that’s considered an adult. I can go do crazy things now, get a tattoo, buy booze (in Canada), smoke, gamble and vote. None of which I will do; well if time for voting comes around I will for sure get on that.
Well let me see here, where shall I start in filling you readers in! I have managed to keep a fairly OK sleep schedule. It’s not great, but it’s manageable. I attempt for 8 hours each night and I do get 8 hours on 5 of the 7 days of the week, but 2 of the nights I have class so early and I can’t seem to come home on time or get to bed on time. I suffer 2 days of the week and right now that is OK with me. The moment I start dying 2 days of the week will be the moment I start coming home before 10 and going to sleep before 10:30. Until that day, I am working with what I got.
I have been insanely busy, and when I say I am busy I mean I have loads of down time but it just doesn’t seem to be enough to keep my narcolepsy content. I love socializing and I love being around my friends, but one thing I miss was the hours alone I would spend catching up on television shows or sleeping. Sleeping when I didn’t need to sleep. I sleep now because it’s a must, it’s a survival thing. I reminisce about the days when I could sleep with no reason but for the fact that I had the time too.

Right now my time that I am not in class or not at soccer practice I am working on my homework or at my friends apartment. My homework is a joke, its insanely fun but insanely time consuming. Majoring in Photography has been like asking for no life. Its great for my narcolepsy, my assignments keep me active/interested and awake but it’s awful for a time toll. I spend countless hours in the darkroom developing film and then making prints. It’s been so fun learning, but just last night I literally spent 4 hours working on an assignment I only half completed. Thankfully it is not due until next week, but you get what I am saying when I say time consuming!

Soccer is going well, slow. See I ended up pulling my quad 3 weeks ago, and I was getting treatment. The treatment was helping but I kept playing in games and it was just a sustainable injury, never getting much better. If it got better it was back to square one after the game. Crazy stupid me decided that was alright, play through pain, until on Sunday I took a free kick and BOOM… burning extreme pain was overpowering. That pain was the partial tear that just happened in my quad. I went to the doctor and got an ultra sound to properly diagnose. Well yes, it’s a partial tear; meaning no more playing until it’s healed! I now spend my time getting treatment when I could be practicing. It sucks, but hopefully I should be better to start playing in 2 weeks or less… Fingers crossed!! =)
Anyways that’s my update for now. I have my first business exam tomorrow, hoping it goes well I’ve been going over flashcards like it was my “day job”!
Happy napping!


  1. Happy belated birthday!!! Sheesh-I barely remember 18...hehe-good times :-) You sound like you're handling life and managing your narcolepsy beautifully....keep it up chicky!!!

  2. thank youu!!
    yeah, so far so good... hopefully this continues!!
