Wednesday, 24 August 2011

the best thing about knowing nobody;

This may sound stupid, or may sound weird but I absolutely love not knowing anyone. I love that I moved here not knowing anyone and I love that everyone has to get to know me to judge me. Not one person can talk to someone I knew back home and get a pre judgement about me. I love that, I love not being judged for what one person thought of me back home. I am not saying people have bad opinions of me, but these people have seen me at my best and at my worst, or others have just judged me because of the people I have been friends with. Here they have no information to go off of so they are forced to get to know me and make a judgement of me off their OWN opinion. It's awesome, and I am happy I moved here by myself and did it not knowing nobody on any personal level.
School started on Monday and with it now being Wednesday I am still trying to figure it all out. The awesome part about school starting is the fact that the two practices a day have turned into one. No more running everyday twice a day!!!
I have yet to fall asleep in class, which is a huge plus. Although I do go home every day from practice and I run straight for my bedroom, turn on my iPod and drift asleep. I don't even set my alarm, I just know I will wake up within the next 2 hours. Sometimes I sleep for ten minutes, sometimes I sleep for 2 hours. Either way I earned the huge nap, and after my nap I get to do homework and make myself dinner. Occasionally I get to see friends and occasionally I get to go out with my friends.
Every teacher has been understanding about my narcolepsy and so far I really am quite fond of my teachers. They all seem super nice, I would worry to get on a few of their bad sides but for the most part they have a good sense of humour and they seemed understanding about my narcolepsy. I simply told them... "I have narcolepsy, it may cause me to fall asleep randomly. I have my fingers crossed it wont but their is a chance. If you seem me scribbling or playing with a pen or piece of paper it is not because I am day dreaming, it is simply out of habit to keep me awake." They all seemed pretty good about it. I can't see them being more lenient about any of my assignments, but that is not what I want. I want to be treated like any other students, no special privileges but with the knowledge that I have a disorder which could affect my ability to learn all things in a class if I should fall asleep.
Anyways, I am waiting to talk to my councillor about switching my class to another time, the website wont let me do it myself so I have gone to seek out some help! I will post soon, I have my first game this weekend in Bismarck. It's a 9 hour drive I am looking forward to sleeping through! =)
Wish me luck


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