Monday 17 December 2012

Jumble of Irrelevant Thoughts;

Six Meaningless Meanderings

  • Exams and studying sucks therefore I have managed to procrastinate and find myself on blogger rather than buried in my text book.
  • This morning during my last lecture for Financial Accounting I came to the realization that there are three days left of school and I have yet to even comprehend what happened in the first three weeks of my Accounting class.
  • I have acquired a lot of stuff in just two years, I have a lot of clothes, a lot of shoes and by a lot I actually mean I have too many to fit in three bags.
  • I am super excited for Thursday because Thursday is when school is over, and Thursday is when I get to go to the cities to spend my last night with my best friend. We will be eating junk food and drinking wine, and celebrating the end of both our times here at this particular college.
  • Not only do I get to see my family on Friday but I get to see my favourite thing in the entire world, my dog Puma. I love the excitement she feels when I come home, seriously everyone should own a dog at least once in there life so they know how awesome it is to come home to one.
  • Tomorrow I am suppose to receive my copy of Julie Flygare's first book "Wide Awake and Dreaming". I am beyond excited to read it on my flight home! Everyone I know, everyone who knows me or anyone with narcolepsy needs to read it. I haven't even read it yet but I know she's a phenomenal writer based off reading her blog the past three years! 

Five Things I Will Miss

  • College soccer, a few of my teammates and the structured daily workouts that have kept me motivated and in shape up until now
  • The fact that I could basically walk anywhere and everywhere and a car payment and gas money were irrelevant
  • Photography Class & Art Students, being surrounded by art students and other photo students totally inspires you to try new things, explore new medias and all around just sparks your creativity. I will miss walking through those halls and seeing what everyone is up to these days!
  • The Independence and ability to literally do whatever I want, whenever I want and having no one around to judge me for staying in my pajamas all Sunday
  • I babysat a little girl named Abbey for the past year and a half, she is Four and really was a fun kid to be around. I will miss her and her awesome jokes. :)

Four Things I Look Forward Too
  • Free Food, Free Laundry, and the occasional home cooked meal.
  • Cable, It will be so nice to have a television again and being able to watch Ellen Degeneres and to watch Criminal Minds. 
  • My family obviously, and my friends too. I will be able to see them when I want and catching up will no longer rely on a good internet connection for skype.
  • Making money rather than spending money, it will be so nice to work again, I cannot wait to work my way out of this debt!

Three Things I Learned
  • My dad was always a hard ass, my rules were sometimes strict but damn while moving out was a fun experience it definitely made me realize why my parents had rules. I may live in an apartment with "no rules" but some of these kids here have no morals and no conscience...So I suppose I learned to appreciate my parents a little bit of a lot more.
  • Balance is key, my health comes first and a healthy balance is sometimes hard to maintain when there are one too many things I need to do and ten too many things I want to do. Narcolepsy can become ten times worse in just 24 hours of neglect, and it can take a lot longer than 24 hours to get it back on track.
  • Just because you are good at something does not mean you have a responsibility to pursue it; Two All American Awards does not mean I need to go to any school to play soccer, it simply means I worked hard to get where I am and I am happy with where I am. If I wanted to be somewhere or if I wanted to do something, I would be there doing it. So to all the football boys and to the few soccer girl: I am happy not playing in the states anymore, I am happy pursuing my passions of traveling and photography.

Two Things I Highly Recommend You Do Over The Holidays

One Thing I Will Do Today
  • Ace my final exam in my Business Retailing Class.

Happy Holidays!

Sarah Beaulieu

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading your blogs, ramblings! Mom and Dad are so very proud and thankful for such a special blessing as you! I have been telling Puma to watch for you - she is, and can hardly wait!! You are an inspiration to all Sweetie! Love Mom
